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Mindfulness In The Evening: Expert Tips For A Restful Sleep

In our fast-paced society, we tend to fill our available time with too many activities. We want to climb the career ladder, have creative hobbies, a fitness routine, a great relationship and stable friendships.

Slow down your life

You cannot have so many “high performance areas” and expect to get great results in all of them. On the contrary, you have to prioritize and focus your attention. Your good friendships will also be amazing when you only do weekend activities or cozy Sunday talks. Quit the “5 gym days a week” rule and only go on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Recharge your batteries: The importance of deep sleep

We often neglect our most important source of energy: sleep! When we sleep, our body recovers from daily strains. Restless sleep is poisonous: The body becomes more susceptible to diseases. Sleep deficiency leads to hypertension, metabolic disorders, overweight, loss of memory – and the ability to concentrate decreases.

Our sleep expert Dr. Hans Willner, who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of sleeping disorders, has valuable tips for a better sleep.

Tip 1: Have a comforting evening routine

Start your evening routine with fixed rituals: "Smartphones and TVs are not suitable for the transition to the resting phase, because visual media has a long effect", advises Dr. Willner.

The chief physician knows how to slow down:

  • Have a conversation with a close friend to reflect on the day's events

  • Listen to calming music with gentle sounds

  • Read a book - if it needs to be an electronic medium, then grab an e-reader (it has a dimmed light source)

  • Take a warm shower or a long relaxing bath

  • Drink a cup of tea

Tip 2: There is no perfect bed time

Everyone has a natural sleep rhythm - it depends on the person’s age and activity level. When you are a "night owl" and don’t get tired early, don’t force yourself to bed at 9.30 pm.

Tip 3: If you work passionately, you can adapt your sleeping time

"No worries! If you love what you do, you can work long hours and expand your waking time. However, it is important to pay attention to your compensation mechanisms", says the sleep expert. As soon as sleep reduction results in weight gain, impotence, irritability or stress symptoms, one should definitely change habits. "If you permanently overcharge your battery, you might have a burnout soon," warns Willner.

Tip 4: If you cannot fall asleep...

"Do you have problems to fall to sleep? Don’t just lie there and stare to the ceiling!" advises the expert. It is more effective to read a book and move around in the apartment. Just try again later. On the next day, do some sports and challenge your body. You will naturally get tired.

Tip 5: Don’t use the snooze button in the morning

You should try to wake up immediately. Don’t use the snooze button. This short-term postponement might feel like a relief in the morning, but it stresses the body through the prolonged transition from sleeping to waking. .

..and then start your day with positive affirmations. Look in the mirror and say these words:

I am a blessed and grateful person.

I am proud of the path I have chosen.

The world would not be the same without me.

Today something miraculous will happen.

Andrea Bruchwitz

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