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8 Magic Sentences That Change Your Mood Immediately

There are more than 7.5 billion people on this planet. At this point, most of us have accepted that there is no magic formula that leads to contentment and happiness. Yup, we got it! Life itself is not hard, but its circumstances can kill us (literally!).

Sometimes I am lying in my bed and I have a hard time accepting this. We cannot influence or change or control everything around us. There is no life with the absence of any problems - no matter what we do, how many cars we have or who our friends are.

“Happiness is not the absence of problems, it’s the ability to deal with them”, said the American author Steve Maraboli. I know the truth in these words. And I still dislike the concept.

However, there is one tiny little thing that we can influence: We can send small waves of good vibes to the people around us. When I cheered up my colleague yesterday, she brightened up and left the office in a good mood. She took the sparkle home, had a lovely evening with her friends and cheered them up. Maybe one of them called a sister or a brother later in the evening to wish them a peaceful night. Those tiny waves are traveling a long way – you can create them when you lift your own energy level.

Let's read out these words. Say them clearly and loud:

I am powerful.

I am loved.

I have achieved many things so far.

I am strong and capable.

I have freedom and choice.

I am unique – there is no else in the world like me.

I have inspired others.

Today is a gift.


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